Five ways to create an invigorating space

Five ways to create an invigorating space

Five ways to create an invigorating space


Feeling motivated and happy in your working environment is very important for productivity and staff morale.

Taking on board these cost-effective tips in sprucing up your office space will create a more engaging environment for all.

Indoor plants
Did you know, plants are proven to reduce stress and create positivity in the environment? They also clean the air and help to reduce noise levels. In addition to this, plants liven up the office and add some colour and texture to any room.

So, the question really becomes, when will you be adding plants to your workspace?

Plants like lilies or succulents are easy to look after and if you have a shortage of space, try hangers or small potters.

Declutter and consider storage solutions
We’ve written articles about de-cluttering but let’s reiterate…it’s so important that your office space is clean and tidy!

Research has shown that people who have an organised and tidy environment are more productive and efficient in their day-to-day activities – and who wouldn’t want that?

There are times when you need to keep a lot of paperwork – and we have a range of storage solutions to cater for this, but where possible, try and stick to a minimalistic approach and sort through unwanted paper, documents and items so you can work in a more productive environment.

Move the furniture around
Another option to reinvigorate spark into your office space is to move furniture around. It can feel as though you have renovated because it looks new.

Swap the art around, rearrange the knick-knacks and the coffee table and see how it feels. You might be surprised at how different the office looks and how much extra space you’ve created just by moving furniture around.

The best part about doing this is that it doesn’t cost you any additional money – so if you don’t like it, you can move it all back.

Add a rug to your space
Area rugs can be an affordable way to spruce up your working environment without costing an arm and a leg. They can improve the feel of a room and depending on the texture of your floor, they can add warmth to your workplace as well.

Rugs have the ability to define a space and create that finished look to your décor.

Mirror, mirror, on the wall
Depending on the style of your office, adding a mirror can make your office feel more open. You can position a mirror so that it reflects artwork, lighting, and views of the outdoors, which can create a more engaging and positive environment.

Again, this isn’t an expensive addition to include in your office space and might just be that little extra to create a warmer and inviting working area.

For more information about storage options or office furniture, contact us.

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