How to Create an Ideal Work From Home Setup

3 years after the start of the pandemic, many businesses have moved to remote or hybrid work. As a remote worker, taking the time to optimise your work-from-home setup is a worthwhile investment. Because your environment has an impact on your productivity and mood, it’s critical to be mindful of your surroundings while working from home. When it comes to setting up your home office, there is a multitude of options and modifications that can boost your space. To assist you in getting your home office up to speed for optimal productivity, we’ve compiled a list of upgrades to make your home office work for you. However, no matter how you decorate, furnish, or set up your home office, we’ve got some pointers to help you make it a productive space.

Designate a “work only” space – Think about privacy and noise

Privacy for maximum concentration

If your desk is in the kitchen or in the same room as your children who are using Zoom for remote learning, you may find it difficult to concentrate. Choosing a location for a home office is simple for some people. They have an empty room that they use for office purposes. It doesn’t have to be an actual office. However, not everyone in their home has that much open space.  When you’re short on room, you’ll have to get creative with your working space.

If you’re lucky enough to have a dedicated office space, it’s likely to have solid walls that run all the way up to the ceiling and solid doors that close. As a result, seclusion and quiet are easy to achieve. However, if your office is in your bedroom or living space, it may be difficult to keep work and home separate.

If you have a home office, consider adding a privacy divider. Traditional dividers that sit on the floor are available. Alternatively, a curtain could be hung from the ceiling or on a rod. You can also choose a curtain that is unobtrusive and blends in with the rest of the design.

Think about the other people who may use the space

Consider who else will use your home office when you’re setting it up, and choose the space and furniture properly. Will your children use the office for schoolwork, and will your partner be able to work from home as well? Consider setting up a partner workstation so two people can work at the same time. If you don’t mind packing up your office before every meal, you can always utilise the kitchen table as an office area.

However, resetting your workspace after each meal may not be your cup of tea. In that scenario, you might want to consider creatively utilising the space you do have. With a little imagination, almost any space can be transformed into an office.

Vary between sitting and standing

Standing desks are one of the most cost-effective expenditures you can make for your home office, especially if you want to improve your ergonomics. Lower back pain is frequently caused by sitting for long periods of time. Back muscles are compressed as a result of this, which can cause back discomfort in some cases. That’s not to mention the muscle damage that idleness can cause! The human body was created to move, not to sit for long periods of time. That’s why we advocate alternately sitting and standing during the day – something that’s made a whole lot easier with an electric standing desk!

We all know that sitting all day is bad for our bodies and that standing up and working every now and then can make you feel more energised and productive. It’s ideal if you can set a timer for every 30 to 45 minutes so that you can take a little break and move from sitting to standing when it goes off.

Standing desks can aid you in a variety of ways, in addition to improving your ergonomics:

  • Lowering your chances of developing heart disease
  • Increasing your concentration and alertness
  • Allowing you to become less sedentary

Other Tips and Tricks

  • Maximise lighting: Increased brightness can make you more productive, focused, and positive throughout the work day
  • Add Plants: Having greenery on your desk or in the room you’re working in has numerous health and psychological benefits
  • Prioritise comfort: Ultimately, if you are sitting in your office 5 days a week, you need to be comfortable. You should ensure that your desk and chair are positioned so your neck and back are supported

At Bevisco, we have a wide range of furniture to help you optimise your work-from-home setup. To find out more about how we can help, get in contact with us here.

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